按月份归档:4月 2012



You live in a 2-dimensional plane, and one of your favourite places to visit is the Hall of Mirrors. The Hall of Mirrors is a room (a 2-dimensional room, of course) that is laid out in a grid. Every square on the grid contains either a square mirror, empty space, or you. You have width 0 and height 0, and you are located in the exact centre of your grid square.

Despite being very small, you can see your reflection when it is reflected back to you exactly. For example, consider the following layout, where?'#'?indicates a square mirror that completely fills its square,?'.'?indicates empty space, and the capital letter?'X'indicates you are in the center of that square:


If you look straight up or straight to the right, you will be able to see your reflection.

Unfortunately in the Hall of Mirrors it is very foggy, so you can’t see further than?D?units away. Suppose?D=3. If you look up, your reflection will be 1 unit away (0.5 to the mirror, and 0.5 back). If you look right, your reflection will be 3 units away (1.5 to the mirror, and 1.5 back), and you will be able to see it. If you look down, your reflection will be 5 units away and you won’t be able to see it. 阅读全文 ……



Do you ever become frustrated with television because you keep seeing the same things, recycled over and over again? Well I personally don’t care about television, but I do sometimes feel that way about numbers.

Let’s say a pair of distinct positive integers (n,?m) is?recycled?if you can obtain?m?by moving some digits from the back of?n?to the front without changing their order. For example, (12345, 34512) is a recycled pair since you can obtain 34512 by moving 345 from the end of 12345 to the front. Note that?n?and?m?must have the same number of digits (excluding leading zeros) in order to be a recycled pair. 阅读全文 ……



You’re watching a show where Googlers (employees of Google) dance, and then each dancer is given a?triplet of scores?by three judges. Each triplet of scores consists of three integer scores from 0 to 10 inclusive. The judges have very similar standards, so it’ssurprising?if a triplet of scores contains two scores that are 2 apart. No triplet of scores contains scores that are more than 2 apart. 阅读全文 ……

eclipse vi插件的安装


2在 eclipse 目录下面,新建?viPlugin2.lic ,然后写如下面内容:




3保存,重启 eclipse 即可!






我给自己定位,5年,成为zhangziyou,android的架构师。5年,对于程序员来讲,太短暂,每天做同样的工作,做写同样的代码,永远没有进步,只有用不止步,才能成就自己。 阅读全文 ……